
Kindergarten Readiness

From 2011 to 2017, Generation Next increased early childhood screenings for children aged 3 by 132%. These screenings identify development, health, and other factors that may hinder a child’s ability to learn. The screenings allow for earlier detection ,which in turn, leads to more effective treatment. These early interventions enable greater student achievement in kindergarten and beyond. 

United Way of Central Minnesota worked with three school districts to ensure all kindergartners participated in the Kindergarten Entry Profile. The results of the Profile were matched with a United Way of Central Minnesota survey on early childhood experiences. This information was then used to provide targeted and individualized support to children with the greatest need. 

Third Grade Reading 

At the Saint Paul Promise Neighborhood, 364 third-grade students were enrolled in the Sankofa reading program. Of these students, 90% improved between one and seven reading levels in nine weeks. 

Reversing a 5-year decline, Northfield Promise has seen 3rd grade reading proficiency climb 11% over the past two years as a result of targeted efforts by Northfield Promise and Northfield Public Schools.

Post-Secondary Enrollment

In Red Wing, Every Hand Joined has increased the number of high school graduates enrolling in postsecondary within a year of graduation by 17% since 2013. 

In 2018, 100% of the seniors enrolled in Northfield Promise’s TORCH Program graduated on time. Nearly 90% of these seniors applied to college. Of the students that applied, all were accepted to a college. All TORCH youth are students of color, from low-income homes, and/or speak English as a second language.

Post-Secondary Completion

Austin Aspires is seeing more students continue their college education after two years following high school graduation. Between 2017 and 2018, Austin Aspires has increased the college persistence rate by 3%.

Parental Engagement

In 2018, 175 Northside Achievement Zone parents set and achieved their career-related goals. More than 90 families graduated from Family Academy, where parents developed parenting skills as their children engaged in academic learning. Additionally, 1,366 families developed an achievement plan to support the academic success of their children. 

Community Engagement and Programmatic Alignment

Since its formation in 2018, Cradle 2 Career has created a leadership table comprised of 24 leaders from public, private, non-profit, and government sectors. Cradle 2 Career has also developed partnerships with more than 35 organizations. Through community-level collaboration, Cradle 2 Career developed a focus on seven key outcomes for Rochester youth and is leveraging Rochester-area assets to make progress on these outcomes.